Healthy baby development tips

healthy baby

From the very first feeding to choosing a baby car seat, stroller, and other child gear – being a parent can be challenging yet an amazing experience at the same time. 

There are so many models of gear to choose from, each differs in its performance, colors, materials, and price. Not to talk about the wide variety of parental approaches to baby education, care, and play. All of these choices have various impacts on the baby’s development and being a new parent you may find this overwhelming.

However, there are some useful tips that can help and reassure you that you are doing a great job raising your child. 

1. Eye contact is crucial.

From the moment your baby is born, it is important to catch those quick eye glances, as infants can recognize faces and your face is the most important of all. That is how the main bond is created. 

2. Sing, smile, and do the “baby talk” daily.

Taking time to be funny and chat with your favorite human is essential for their development. So, feel free to have a “talk” with your baby but remember to make short pauses, so they can start “filling in the blanks”. Explaining things using short sentences in a loving and gentle tone of voice is one of the best and most comforting things to boost your child’s development on many levels.

Next to the daily chit-chat, you should try singing kid’s songs to your baby whenever you are doing daily routine tasks such as bathing them or changing their diapers. 

In case you don’t know any children’s songs you can always improvise or try singing something simple using the tunes from famous grown-up songs with a positive vibe. Many studies have shown that music beats, pauses, and repetitive verses are directly related to the child’s understanding of math later on at school.   

3. Dare to be funny and fun! 

If you are a first-time parent, chances are you will be amazed at how quickly your youngster will pick up when you joke around with them. This is the way to encourage your baby to laugh, joke, and build a sense of humor in general. 

Make funny faces, have your kid touch your nose, and then make funny noises, and remember to repeat each funny routine a couple of times so they can get familiar with it. Next time, they will most likely remember it and start laughing right away. Then change the ritual or make a slightly longer pause to keep your child guessing. You can also tickle them very gently under the chin to make it a fun experience.   

4. Get outside and explore the world together

Whenever the weather conditions look inviting to get outside and spend some quality time in nature with your child – do it. Whether it’s in the park near your home, beach, or a campsite, it is good to enjoy the sun and have some fun while presenting the outer world to your kid. 

Aside from the baby necessities, it is important to pick high quality baby gear, so your baby can fully enjoy the trip. They will be learning about nature and the environment by seeing, feeling, and simply by being in contact with the trees, flowers, rocks, and other subjects outside their home. 

This will help your baby discover their surroundings and figure out numerous new and exciting things they will find amusing and joyful.

Switch off your phone and spend quality family time with your loved ones. The bond families develop and share when traveling together is unbreakable and essential for your baby’s development as it helps create life-lasting memories.